Wexford Training Weekend 2018

The club once again travelled down to Carrigbyrne for the annual training weekend. We are very grateful once again to our kind host Dr Bart Curtis.

An enthusiastic group assembled for the cold weather training camp which has become an annual marker of the arrival of spring. Two punishing days of riding and one punishing night is a recipe that has stood the test of time. It also insures that we find out exactly who has the right stuff.

14 club members made it to the start line. One did not make it to the start line choosing nobly to provide service course for the day. 135 k around scenic Wexford coastline on butter smooth rolling highways made for an enjoyable first day. Rob took the gallop to the 50k mark after some irregular sprinting was noted to have influenced the minor placings. All hung together till the final kilometers up the hill from Wellingtonbridge where some slipped quietly off the back to contemplate life’s larger questions.
Saturday night started out with good intentions but soon degenerated. There was a presentation to Brian Hayden for his 30 years of membership. There was a fine meal and a few glasses of wine and beer to celebrate this auspicious landmark. Sunday morning saw much rehydration after all the salty food from the night before. A fry up and out into the mist and damp at 0930. We lobbed our bikes over the gates and ventured up Sliabh Coilte cyclocross style. Another selection took place at the top and the group was winnowed further. On to New Ross , up the Michael’s street climb, on to the Stripe, Graiguenamanagh , the nasty little route to Inistioge, then up and down all the way home in near silence. Beat.
Report by Brian Kilbride
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1 Reply to "Wexford Training Weekend 2018"

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    Leon Wallace
    April 23, 2018 (12:39 pm)

    To Whom it May Concern,

    My name is Leon Wallace and I work with a company called Jordanred.
    We supply custom-made sublimated sports garments through our website at http://www.jordanred.com and one of our most popular products is the cycling jersey.

    We are relatively new company, launching just over one year ago in Turkey (where we are based) and have recently extended our services worldwide. We will soon be increasing our product range to include cycling shorts, and sublimated rain jackets and soft-shells.

    We would like the opportunity to advertise in your magazine and on your website to further increase our profile in Ireland.

    If this is something you would be happy to help us with please contact me with details of how we can achieve this.

    Also, besides supplying direct to consumer we can offer wholesale prices on bespoke product. So if you are actively looking for a supplier, we can help there also.

    I look forward to your reply.

    Leon Wallace

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