New Forum for Members

We have launched a new forum for our members. A central place where you can post, discuss and chat about the club, upcoming events and other cycling related topics.
The forum is open to all members, our members abroad and anyone associated with the club.

Current members are encouraged to sign up to keep up to date with current news and events within the club. We hope to eliminate long email chains a.s.a.p and email will be used for important club information only. This will keep your inbox clear and you will get important information you need.

There are three ways to access the forum on the site –
There is a link at the very top with “Login” “Register” and “Forum (beta)
In the main menu under “STCC” you will see a link in the dropdown menu
In the footer under “About St. Tiernan’s Cycling Club” there is a link to the forum

To view the forum and sign up please visit the page here

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