Newcastle West Cycling Club – Sunday 17th April

On Sunday 17th April Newcastle West Cycling Club will be organising the cycling events at the Joanne McMahon Thanksgiving Fundraiser in Castlemahon, Co Limerick. Four hundred people packed the new hall in Castlemahon for the launch of the event in December, the launch being held 131 days before the 17th of April. 131 days is the number of days Joanne spent in the burns unit at St James without getting home.


There is massive support and solidarity behind Joanne for this event. A great day is promised. This is a once off event and all cyclists if they wish can register (for free) on . We would please ask you to register so as to assist in the smooth organisation of the event and to ensure your place. If you would like to do some fundraising sponsorship cards are available from Dan Cahill (087 6653420) or Michael Field (087 2424176). Otherwise, organisers are asking for donations on the day, a minimum of €20 is suggested. 100% of entry/donated funds are going to the charity.


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